erraNatto+ is a fully transparent, non proprietary product containing 4 ingredients at efficacious doses as part of the Supplement Needs Dean St Mart Health range.
Formulated by Dean St Mart using Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Bromelain, these 3 are known as proteolytic enzymes (enzymes which break down proteins); having effects on proteins and polypeptides such as fibrin (component of scar tissue) and promoting plasmin which breaks down thrombi (clots) in the body.
The 4th ingredient Rutin is a glycoside of Quercetin and Rutinose, of which both molecules contribute to C-V health.
SerraNatto+ has been specifically designed to be stacked alongside C-V Stack and C-V Pro+ to create a fully comprehensive trifecta stack for C-V health.